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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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syria's opposition forms a new political body to help the rebels and their western supporters topple president asad amid criticism the foreign based coalition has little support in syria itself. meanwhile fears are mounting in the conflict foreign country that rebel fighters are increasingly targeting civilians simply for their regions to the syrian government. and as the greeks simmer over even more cards or to go prepares an angry reception for the german chancellor are seen as the main force behind europe's very dry.
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this dirty life from moscow with me wearing a joshie serious fractured opposition has managed to form a new political body to help the rebels and their foreign backers oust president said the deal signed in the qatari capital doha follows pressure from western and arab supporters who are also waiting to see the formation of syria's new government in exile are disposal your reports from the region. this comes after days of political wrangling amongst the various syrian opposition forces they have been under pressure from both the united states as well as arab governments to form this unified body it is a sixty member assembly but it really brings together a wide array of people and organizations with very different affiliations it is essentially a patchwork organization amongst the new leaders are sunni muslims as well as a christian former communist and among the rebel fighters are those coming from very different ethnic and religious backgrounds with many asking the question whether or not that infighting and whether or not those ethnic and political
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differences can be put aside the goal is really to try and organize a bit of fines and also potentially to send went to the syrian opposition within the country and we're already hearing from one opposition member countries such as bush and from germany the united states qatar and saudi arabia have pledged weapons to the syrian opposition and this is increasing concern in the international community that what we could see happening now in syria is merely a repeat of what we saw happening in libya not so long ago at that time the opposition called for itself to be recognized as the sole legitimate government of libya and we're hearing the same kind of support coming amongst the syrian opposition today what happened in libya was once that recognition came from the international community it leads to foreign intervention so now we're hearing britain has pledged that hundreds of u.k. soldiers will be deployed to syria if the situation there worsens so increasing concern that the situation in syria well ultimately be
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a repeat of libya. some analysts are questioning just how much of the newly formed rebel coalition takes into account the interests of syrians themselves. the only reason we have about almost tissue quality agreement was the threats and the joy and the political pressure that was put on them they had to do something this weekend do you think the west is going to show up and qatar and rangers show no result and no how long it will last we don't know it's been twenty one months in libya you recall and there are factions still aren't glued together and they had the benefit of the five thousand bombing runs by nato so i i think that the other problem is not the groups themselves which are very disparate but the lack of support that they've got now among the syrian people and what they have lost in terms of respect through a lot of crimes they've committed a lot of assassinations and massacres so i think this is a last ditch effort in
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a sense to try to put together viable opposition and only time will tell if it's going to stick together as western and arab nations are looking for ways to give more support for the rebels fears are mounting inside syria that and set fires are increasingly targeting civilians for simply showing allegiance to the government. explains. it was described as conflict on uprising at the beginning no down slapped with actually ease violence calling slaughter the bloodshed we have a new kind of war terrorism through proxies the desk number in the tens of thousands and it's not just on demand engaging in battle from both sides it's also ordinary citizens including the deliberate murder of civilians by rebels this is mahomet's affair i met and filmed him during my last trip to damascus this summer
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a prominent actor while he was now his dad killed because of his views. half syrian half the. mohamed was an ardent supporter of the regime and an active campaign against those he believed were terrorists and that it seems was reason enough to murder him. i saw his body at a hospital who could make this to him but the f.s.a. syrian rebels admitted killing muhammad he was shot dead with three bullets and. my son became the first character a man of art to sacrifice his life on the altar of our motherland by appeal to his murderers what you did is not fair he was not guilty why should those who love the motherland be executed my son loved his mother went and he always helped people and was working a lot but none of these mattered to his killers mohamed was not the first public figure to be targeted like those people in this least are sentenced to death by
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members of the syrian opposition doctors pilots actors in juniors are among them and this black mark means the clock is ticking what we have here is a kind of you know military. terror. policy if you are cooperating with this government you are so to say a dead man walking and that is of course some kind of international warfare which most of the nation. appealed after the death of mohammad that affair his father says his proud his son became a martyr and that he believes his death was not for nothing but with no end to the murders inside eventually he may just become another enormous face in the growing statistics. r.t. . down in another sign of the conflict spreading beyond syria neighboring israel has fired warning shots over the border after a syrian mortar shell hit an israeli base as the first on israeli forces fired into
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syrian territory in more than forty years and more and that is are today. and another year of pain looms for greece as the country's parliament approves and a sturdy budgets which will force more biting cuts upon an already struggling population it's been a precondition from international lenders who have been delaying another bailout cash injection for months now thousands of greig's gathered outside parliament to voice their opposition to next year's budget but its approval follows another even more extensive austerity package that sparked violent protests last week for more on the this i'm now joined by john laughlin director of studies at the institute of
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democracy and cooperation and paris john thanks very much for being with us here in the program first off the greek government as we know it keeps cutting spending despite fears opposition on the streets so at this point do the m.p.'s themselves believe that these measures are actually helping the country's economy. it's difficult to know what the enemies themselves believe because we can see that the kinds of measures that have been imposed on greece for more than two years now because this crisis has been going on for a very long time as you know these measures are actually making the situation worse well our economy is in freefall it's been in three full well through every year and the fact is that the greek political class like the rest of the euro in the class in a sense i think prisoner of its own ideology it's the prisoner of the european i feel
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a g. and this ideology exerts such a power over people that they are prepared to do things which by any rational measure obviously counterproductive in order to preserve the european project of the euro in particular they are determined to do everything to keep the single currency intact even to destroy their own country to send you've implemented over fifty percent to put the economy into a massive recession and so on clive's that we've seen things like. this cry of the greek economy there he said and then free foreign affair to illustrate how dire the economy is when either one of four greeks are out of work an affair for the other party elations living below the poverty line sell the question here is i mean what can be done to remedy the economy i mean what you've just sat and what's obvious the time the service does that mean that the economy is beyond repair it's
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certainly beyond repair give given the present situation in other words given membership of the euro it's important to understand that these measures are making the situation worse i don't just mean they're making the economy worse they're definitely making the economy worse they're making greeks the debt situation the debt ratio in greece is predicted to be one hundred ninety. percent of g.d.p. by next year that's much higher than it was with the first bailout plan was agreed and this shows that the recession that these measures are producing they are making the debt situation worse because the economy is being conforms to contract or otherwise in the words to collapse and as a result the debt ratio in terms of racial e.p. is going up so these measures are making things worse and if you ask me whether the economy is beyond repair no it would be that many other countries have found themselves in this position before russia argentina and so on in one thousand nine
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hundred ninety s. and what they did was to devalued and default and to to devalue their way back into a competitive ety and all the economic history shows that that works the reason why it's not being adopted it's because of this attachment to the european ideology that i mentioned all right well you know some kind is out of this league doing something to remedy the situation and let's now target a. german chancellor a visit to portugal which is another struggling because under a canonical way and later in the day she will be in the country where thousands of people have signed an open letter and fact against her and we have course are similar sentiment when she came to greece last month so why are people so angry about her personally because germany is perceived by these peripheral countries as being a hedge immobile which dictates the terms of europe membership it's as simple as
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that and this shows that the euro project has again failed on its own terms the idea of course was to bring the peoples of europe ever closer together by creating a single mother she said the idea was that the peoples of europe would effectively soon become members of one state and would feel themselves to be members of one people precise. the opposite is happening we have precisely seen national resentment and i would even say hate trips growing between north and south in europe in other words the more that the peoples of europe are pushed together in an unnatural and undemocratic structure the mall the end up resenting each other and these kinds of phenomena when you've been the ones you've mentioned in greece and portugal are proof of this they are the proof that this project is not working in its own terms of course as we can see emotions are running quiet high and there is an other interesting situation there which is of course thrown by emotions in
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a way as well in france a mayor of a paris suburb is on a hunger strike demanding more state help for his impoverished a cell how widespread is his death of despair in your opinion. well i think this is a media stunt but in a sense it is worth commenting on because all over france is not in the same situation as greece or portugal or the other british states nonetheless it is heading in that direction the kind of policies that the new french government has announced are also going to produce recession here the only way to jail to protect the only way the country is heavily indebted as indeed all european. leaders but they're all there. is of course to grow and to have more. to income tax or tax revenue coming into the state coffers so that the debt burden can be reduced that only happens when the economy is growing it doesn't happen by raising taxes we know
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from the laffer curve you know this is the 1980's raising taxes can very often reduce the overall take that the state has and from us all over the situation is quite different from nonetheless the tendency is the same so this kind of media stunt shows the austerity measures introduced in france will ultimately have a similar effect. to the ones who have been soaked and you are all right well john laughlin thanks very much indeed for your analysis that was director of studies in the seat of democracy and cooperation in paris thank you. and we've got some more on the anger of the stair it is spreading across europe a detailed look at what's driving the portuguese out of the streets again r.t. sarah ferguson is in lisbon so i'll see her report in just a few minutes. plus more and more highly skilled brits turn their backs on their homelands seeking greener pastures abroad details after
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a short break. the stunning beauty of reindeer gracefully dancing across the arctic tundra more than just a scenic image it is a way of life for some traditionally the nets people are nomadic reindeer herders and though in many ways they lead a simple and rustic life they are also highly skilled and organized in their trade . show. another week and will be preparing for the winter living around their need for a response to some arenas depending on the rest is on the day we found this particularly camp they were settled near the coast of the tata see here for families work together to manage nearly a thousand reindeer herding reindeer is not just a job for the men it's people in fact they say it's a part of their entire culture heritage and way of life and back they say that they can use almost every single part of the reindeer to help them survive. that. deer
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is a means of transportation if it's a source of maryland our equipment it emits clothes and covers for the outside in the sun of us intense. but life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicoptered to the center of the district and not even marked for board. school it's in the net it's students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized grant programs and even learn arts skills all within a protected environment the school was founded and named for. a scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas and education many say they don't want to trade the modern life for their beloved. i have returned to the tundra and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's
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a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come. wealthy british style stock. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. mission. critical three years for chargers free.
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free. free. free. free blog video for your media project free media. welcome back you are with r.t. now back to one of our top stories now protests are expected in the portuguese capital where the german chancellor is anticipated later in the day portugal's parliament recently approved spending cuts and tax hikes which prompted the biggest protest in years reports from lisbon. what german chancellor angela merkel is making her first state visit to portugal since the debt crisis began she's going to be meeting with the country's prime minister today if the german chancellor is expecting a warm welcome today she might want to think again at the same time as these
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meetings take place we're going to be expecting protests to be taking place across the country and certainly in lisbon as they straight to start see measures of this and we seen an increase in the amount to say she laments and unhappiness with those measures now portugal's it was hoped would become the southern european success story and a sharp contrast to what we seeing taking place in countries like greece but the reality of the situation is that portugal's facing much of the same if she's a rise in unemployment severe hits to the public sector all of this has really added to the public on happiness is just approved the highest spending cuts ever in portugal's modern history and that's certainly going to have an impact this sort of cools on the country already struggling in the midst of recession there is great unhappiness as well it was seen as the closeness between portugal's government and
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the german chancellor is a source of a lot of talk is the buzz of a lot of people's jokes you see it in the graffiti you'll see it later today in the protest signs the prime minister it's felt by a lot of people sometimes even the submissive to angela merkel and people are really calling for the country for their own government take charge of this not to be led by the german chancellor not just to be led by persons but to be acting in the country's own interest in going to see these protest movements today the protesters saying they're going to hang black cloth across the monuments and not really echoing the black mood that we've seen across much of europe as the euro crisis continues. running always catch up on more news online including. time in congress asks if the indiscretions of the now resigned cia boss were hushed up to aid the obama campaign. thoughts take it to another level government forces clamp down further on bahrain's anti-monarchy opposition with parkour military forces
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ready to smash protests at a line where we've the latest developments and pictures. britain could soon be suffering from a shortage of skilled workers according to recent research findings show a number of u.k. professionals are seeking better lives overseas and that number has increased sharply in the past two decades are he's probably going to look into what's fuelling the brain drain. whenever the global financial sense says it was even voted the best place to visit only won it last year but it looks like fewer people want to actually live in
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britain the u.k. home office has just released or of course it says that an increasing number of executives scientists and academics much choosing to leave britain last year alone some one hundred fifty thousand this isn't emigrates a day of the season and now some five million brits live aboard and don't blame the unpredictable weather or the local cuisine experts now think that it's the high rate of taxation and the cost of living that could drive even more brits to move abroad people with the motor of the economy are people with a lot of property but perhaps with an education perhaps with ambition as well we need to keep them in the country you have to face a life of living in london on a very small gross wage maybe even small or taxation to a net wage. which we fail as a country and perhaps some sort of system of graduated tax allowances might help us cope perhaps most alarming for the politicians who office findings that the
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majority of the people outside the think you take rat race do so also of an overall lifestyle choice signalling and see from discontent with living standards here in britain that's not what. we know in government to slow things for me consider moving abroad to avoid. the government slacking off and taking away the good things from the people that owning a little bit more even though it's through hard work and dedication over here is that you work until you drop but they don't want to reward us so what's the point of continuing companies are already complaining that they find it hard to find highly skilled or fresh. foreigners to work in the day because of the u.k. government's count on migration in order to put immigration into the country now the growing number of young ambitious brits hopping that might leave the british government wondering where all the professionals have gone. and let's now take
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a look at some other stories from around the world the b.b.c. trust chairman hatton is calling for a radical overhaul of the corporation after of the director general resigned george and whistle stepped down after one of the network's top news programs a link to former high rank politician to child abuse allegations they turned out to be false the recent polls show the public's trust in the b.b.c. is rapidly declining with some critics saying a complicated bureaucratic structure is proving a hindrance for the network. clashes have broken out in warsaw after twenty thousand people marched through the polish capital on independence day violence erupted after a right wing nationalist started shouting anti-government slogans and threw fireworks bricks at police security forces use rubber bullets tear gas and baton to bring the situation under control and disperse the crowd two police officers were injured with several protesters detain. them stating a bushfire has burned through southern australia destroying more than half
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a dozen homes the country fire service has called for extra crews to help battle the out of control blaze no casualties have been reported the situation is hampered by hot and dry weather in the region which is set to last all season. we want to party and after a short break people of al brings us the way as the bait and cross talk. if you're passing through rushes to the region you really can call the wild side. thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the learned and enterprising locals so the fruits of the forest by the side of nearly every road. such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunt is going on he has been hunting for more than
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thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu. for two things a successful duck under. a bottle silence which means that i need to be very quiet i'm not going to write in the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just u.s. forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find
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a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is where i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf island a chance to get up close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as pasta parents for the next generation will come here. using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf
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cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. in .
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a low in welcome across talking people about the day of fiscal reckoning is almost upon us by the end of this year the president of the united states and congress must come to some kind of tax and spending agreement to avoid what is called the fiscal cliff is there the political will to find a compromise and does the u.s. risk its own fragile economy as well as the world's. change. to cross not the u.s. fiscal cliff i'm joined by edward harrison in washington he is the founder of credit write downs also in washington we have mark levine he is a senior advisor with the truman national security project and in new york we cross to anthony rideout so he is the director of economic research for the reason foundation all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want edward if i go to you first in washington give us the magnitude of the fiscal cliff ok a lot is being talked about it what happens if we go over.


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